It’s rare that we hear about agencies that help nurses. Even more rare when nurses ask for help.
In wandering around the Web today, I ran across a posting about Nurses House. This organization is nursed-managed and receives donations for nurses in need of short-term financial assistance due to illness, injury or disability.
During April 12th through May 12th (that includes Nurses Day on May 6th), they will be having a “Dolphins for Nurses” campaign to raise awareness of what they do, and to raise funds for the needs of other nurses. It’s limited geographically to the northeast US, and to large organizations such as hospitals, but it’s good to hear that there is something out there.
Who knows what one may need at some point in life? Ideally, you will go through your adult working life unscathed, finally hang up those comfortable (washable) shoes and only have to deal with expelled body fluids when the kids drop off the new grand kid for a few hours of their rest.
But there may be twists that we didn’t expect, and despite our best efforts of keeping our impervious nurse’s cape on, something slips a little kryptonite our way.
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